Any prolonged sitting position is bound to restrict the flow of blood in the body and tire you out. So, try and alter the way you sit at regular intervals during the day. |
Sit as close as possible to your working desk. Your arms must be parallel to your spine, and your elbows at a 90-degree angle. |
Try and avoid lop-sided postures such as excessive leaning on one side, crossing your legs erratically when seated, or hunching your shoulders forward for a prolonged period of time. |
Try and take short stretch breaks after every 20-30 minutes of work. |
Resting your eyes periodically can help keep eye fatigue at bay. After every 20-30 minutes look away from your computer screen, and focus on a distant object. |
Ensure that your feet lay flat on the floor and if need be use a foot rest to give you adequate comfort while working. |
Adjust the height of your monitor so that the top of the screen is at, or slightly below, your eye level. |
The monitor must be no closer than 20 inches from your eyes or atleast an arm's length away. The larger the screen, the more distance you should seek. |
Make sure to adjust the screen's position in such a way so as to purge glare from any windows in the back or bright lights on the ceiling. |
Try and keep the keyboard and the mouse close enough to avoid excessive reaching out, which ends up straining one's shoulders and arms. |
General levels of light should be sufficient to allow your normal range of activities without providing sources of glare to your monitor screens. |