India's latest luxury shopping destination The Chanakya, Proudly announced the 1st edition of it’s Gifting Festival from 10th October - 4th November 2018. India’s finest Gifting Festival coincides with the festive season and gives patrons a chance to win daily and monthly exquisite gifts throughout the month.
The gifting festival states minimum shopping for 15,000 INR to participate in the lucky draw and win gifts. The festival also featured exquisite pop ups and interactive master classes. The Chanakya also had a photo booth for the visitors to capture moments with the campaign hashtag #TCGF.
Participated Brands
- Aadyaam
- Creed
- Hermes
- Jaeger lecoultre
- Rolex
- Khoya
- Panerai
- Brock & Carter
- Casa Paradise
- MontBlanc
- Shalimar by Good Earth
- Zooki
- Suket Dhir
- Anita Dongre Grassroot
- Diesel
- Janavi
- Neeru Kumar
- Nicobar
- Noir
- Nykaa Luxo
- Outhouse
- Perona
- Ranna Gill
- Ted Baker
- The Collective Denim
- Niocaara
- Yoku Moku
- Foodhall
- Café C
Special Gifting Partner