The designer duo Puneet and Shruti after launching their brand Orion launched their brand Perona in The Chanakya, New Delhi. The brand is all about premium quality crafted leather goods. The main aim of the brand is to redefine existing classics and focus on creating structured clothing and accessories. With an emphasis on tailored silhouettes, the brand is perfect for those in search of comfort dressing.
Perona’s store in The Chanakya has a large collection of bags which makes it one stop for all one needs. Perona is a brand designed for both men and women that features minimalist design and a selection of clothing items and handbags. There is the unerring choice of materials in which the collection has been conceived—Japanese, Italian and Korean fabrics for the clothes and premium Italian leathers for the bags. The structured, contemporary shapes are as much a nod to elevating personal, everyday style statements as they are to fuss-free functionality, with diverse creations for any occasion. |